Thursday, September 30, 2010

Run a program with administrator rights / Tools that allow one to run a program as other user without giving password each time / How to run a process using different credentials - CPAU (Create Process As User) like RunAs but with an options to encrypt the password

Run a program with administrator rights – RUNASSPC, CPAU and Steel Run As compared

I would recommend the following runas utilities:

PsExec (
LSrunas/LSrunasE ( - (uses non-standard encryption)
Runasspc ( - (uses AES-256 encryption)

I would highly recommend using Runasspc for security reasons as the other programs have no or weak encryption. Keep in mind when you don't use encryption the password is being sent as clear-text over the wire and can be easily captured by a network sniffer. Also I would recommend not executing the runas command line in a batch file - this should be embedded in a compiled and obfusticated .exe program.

Also when using runas to install some software that particular installation software may need to be installed as the active user. To get around this issue without logging off, you will need to launch a hidden command prompt as an Administrator, add the current user to the Administrators group and then run the runas command. After this you will want to remove the current user from the Administrators group. Always check the return code for the command (i.e. NET LOCALGROUP Administrators username /DELETE) that removes the user from the Administrators group so you can verify this has worked.

How to run a process using different credentials

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