Monday, January 31, 2011

Creating a default windows 7 profile before imaging - outlook 2010

Regarding the white background, I would suggest that you create your own theme with required settings and then save the settings as a file and apply this within the sysprep xml file. This should be set in the specialize, microsoft-windows-shell-setup section.

(The below is the process I use for Outlook 2007 and haven't yet tried it with 2010, but I assume it's the same)

For Outlook, it sounds as though you might have run Outlook on the master workstation before creating your master image.

For installing and configuring Outlook I would firstly create an Outlook PRF file that configures Outlook as you require, including defining which server to use etc.

You then need to set a couple of settings within the registry of the user that will become Default User (Administrator code probably) to define which PRF file to use, and that the Outlook profile has not been configured and so needs configuring.

To do this, import the following REG file, obviously with the PRF file in c:\prf for this example. A network share would be a better option though really.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


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