Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dell Client Manager / Dell Management Console

Dell and Altiris (Symantec)

How to Easily Evaluate Intel vPro Technology Features on Dell Optiplex Systems

Dell Management Console, powered by Symantec

Because Dell and Symantec have released a new version of Dell Client Manager that can
coexist with the Dell Management Console, no migration utility is provided. Dell Client
Manager functionality is expected to be incorporated into future releases of the Dell
Management Console, at which time a migration tool is expected to be provided

Dell Client Manager
Dell Management Console

Are you talking about the Dell Management Console (DMC) , or the Dell Client Manager (DCM) ? ... DMC is more server centric, and DCM being more client (Optiplex) centric.

DMC will manage all "non-workstation" h/w.  To manage workstations and notebooks, you also need to install Dell Client Manager.  DCM is also on the DMC install media.  That will manage Optiplex, Precision and Latitude.  Once you install, follow the quickstart steps on the DCM portal page.  You will need to push the Altiris agent and OMCI.

Dell Management Console, powered by Symantec

DMC for Clients = Dell Client Manager

Altiris Client Management Suite

Dell OpenManage Client Administrator™

Dell Client Manager™ has become Dell Client Manager Standard and Dell OpenManage Client Administrator has become Dell Client Manager Plus.
For more information, click here.

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