Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Microsoft Sync Framework SyncToy PowerToy

SyncToy 2.1

Elevation PowerToys / Execute programs elevated from command prompt

Microsoft Elevation PowerToys

Elevation from command line
Run elevated from CMD

Powershell scripts

$Win32_OS = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -computer PutHereComputerName -credential domain\administrator | select *

Delete Windows User Profile

The users hive is located under their user directory (NTUSER.DAT) so deleting the directory with an rmdir /s /q {username} should suffice. The only part that wouldn't be deleted is under the profile list in the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList but all that does is map the SID to a profile location.
If the user logs in and the directory doesn't exist, it'll be created again.
Unfortunately, without having them elevate themselves as admins, they won't be able to delete user profiles.
Batch file:
set /p USERTODEL=Enter the username to delete: set USERTODEL=C:\Users\%USERTODEL%
if exist "%USERTODEL%" rmdir /s /q %USERTODEL%

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